

“adorable, hilarious, intimate, moving, scary, sad, beautiful” – LA Weekly

Alison Pill Hooks Up Two Friends | LA Weekly
Love Conquers Distance with Skype | Skype
Steph’s Pick of the Week Interview | Tangled Web We Watch
Tangled Web Review | Tangled Web We Watch
a blind date on skype | rodeo
cora & patrick | metromode
10p/7e – a love story | fashion, fame, and everything in between
rudolf | exiback
7p10e | forgive me autumn
något fint | amina
cutest ever | bara rara underbara sara
töntigt eller gulligt | dornas
7p/10e | trendsnack
things i’ve watched lately (and you should too) | elna bettina
online mini-series | thy golden time
7p/10e | Oh So Belle
det har med skype | sabina elisabeth rosenblad
7p/10e | crystalized